I should have posted this a while ago but we have been really busy lately. Andie is getting more and more of a personality each day. She is so funny and I just love spending time with her all day every day. I don't know what we ever did without her. She has so much energy though. She doesnt stop moving from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed at night. Some of the thing she is doing know are:
- Says Mom, Dad, Uh-Oh, Ba Ba, and sometimes Done.
- Will growl like a Tiger.
- Stands for a minute or two all by herself. (tries to take a step but hasn't been successful yet)
- Walks along everything and gets into Everything!
- Loves being outside and playing in the grass.
- Watches Baby McDonald from Baby Einstein at least 10 times a day. (She is obsessed with all animals)
- Thinks she is a big girl now and will only eat what we eat.
- Loves to give kisses.
- Claps and Waves.

Just standing there while watching Baby Einstein.

Loves to sing and play with her toys.

A typical day at our house. I cant keep her out of Titus' what bowl. It drives me crazy!