A couple of weeks ago we were able to attend Adam's cousin Kandices Wedding in the Idaho Falls Temple. It was such an awesome and beautiful wedding and she looked amazing. It was so good to see family that we don't get to spend much time with. While we were at the reception Adams cousin Heather took us outside in the backyard and took a couple pictures of us before we all left. She is seriously the most amazing photog ever! Who knew you could get such awesome shots by walking outside for five minutes. We are so grateful for her though and are so happy to have new pictures now that we are a family of four!
I cant believe that my baby is already two months old. Time always goes by fast but it seems like this time is going faster than it did with Andie. It kind of makes me sad that she is already getting big. I love the new baby stage. Elsie is best baby ever! She is still sleeping a lot and will go 6-8 hours at night before waking up. She loves her sleep and loves to eat and rarely ever cries. She also loves to be talked to and will just look at you and smile. She makes us so happy. She had her two month check up the other day and the doctor said she is doing wonderful. She is now 10 lbs. 10 oz. (45th percentile) and 23 inches (30th percentile).
It has only taken us two months but we finally bought a double stroller. I am so excited about it. As you can see a single stroller wasnt working to well. I had to go to the mall the other day by myself with both kids and it was pretty interesting trying to get things done with two kids and one stroller. I just cant wait to for it to be here now. YAY!!
We are the Stevenson's, we are not diligent bloggers, and will most likely only post pictures and updates about Andie Mae and Elsie Lane. We do enjoy spending time with friends and family, the outdoors, watching movies, and discovering good music. We were married in June 2005. A few years later Andie Mae joined us in July 2008 and soon after Elsie Lane came along in February 2010. Adam just finished school December of 2010, so we're just starting another chapter in our lives.