I feel so grateful everyday for the opportunity I have to be a stay at home mom. I love my girls and I love watching them grow and learn everyday. Even though they are raised the same they have such different personalities. I love my little Elsie Roo! She makes us laugh most of the day. She loves to jabber and plays very well by herself. She hates being dirty but still likes to play outside and even likes all of the bugs. She tries to step on the ants and just follows all of the others around. She is always getting mad at me for putting bows in her hair or even doing anything with her hair for that matter. She is the best little girl about 90% of the time. The other 10%.... well lets just say you better watch out. This little girl has some spunk to her! She will tell you how she feels and will chew you at even if you don't understand most of what she is saying. She will NOT share anything and thinks everything is hers and will fight you for it. She is very stubborn and hard headed but I am sure one day that will come in handy for her.

Oh my sweet little Andie Mae! This little girl could not be more girlie if she tried. She loves any and everything that is pink and anything that has to do with princesses. She knows all of their names and can sing you all of their songs. Even the new Tangled ones. She loves to sing and dance and dress up. She would wear a dress every day of her life if I would allow it. She cries when she has to wear pants. She always has to have her nails and her hair done also. I don't like to think about the teenage years that lie ahead! On the other hand she is the sweetest little girl in the world. She shares everything with her sister and is always trying to help her and helps me clean and cook. I think she is out of the terrible two's and I am loving the stage she is in right now. I am going to be so sad when she has to go to school in a couple years and I wont have her home all day.