Well we found out the beginning of May that we were expecting. We were really excited but shocked at the same. So far this pregnancy has been hard though I have been really sick everyday and with two little girls that need a lot of attention it has been difficult. Plus we wanted to keep it a secret from everyone until we knew what we were having. Through all of it though Andie has learned to be more independent and help take care of her sister while Elsie goes and gets my pills and comes and rubs my back while I sit over the toilet. She always tells me she is sorry that I am sick and gives me hugs which really do make me feel better. Well at my 16 week appointment we found out we were having a BOY! My doctor is pretty much amazing and gives me lots of ultrasounds just because. As a result Adam wasn't even at the appointment but I was so excited to tell him. We ended up meeting for lunch at Olive Garden since his mom was in town and I was able to share the exciting news. He was so excited you couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. My due date is January 9, 2013. We are anxiously awaiting this little guy and cant wait for the big changes a boy will add to our family. We really do feel blessed.

Here is the one and only picture I have of me being pregnant. I am 18 weeks along in this picture.