It is a husband tag....
1. What is his name? Adam Robert Stevenson
2. Who eats more? Adam for sure...he eats three times what I do!
3. Who said, "I love you" first? He did, in the car during our first argument.... it was perfect resolution to whatever we were arguing about!
4. Who is taller? Adam not that either of us are very tall!
5. Who is smarter? Adam is smarter at most things such as school but I am smarter with money.
6. Who is more sensitive? I would say that he is unless I am pregnant and then I am.
7. Who does the laundry? I do most of it but every once in a while he helps.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do because it is closer to the baby so I can get up at night.
9. Who pays the bills? It use to always be me but now we both do.
10. Who cooks more? I try to since I am the one that is always home now but Adam does on his days off. He is a much better cook than me!
11. Who is more stubborn? Ha ha ha! That is me for sure!
12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Usually Adam...he is much better to move on from things than I am.
13. Who has more siblings? We have the same amount...Adam has three sisters and I am three brothers.
14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Hands down this one is me....Adam doesn't like to admit it though.
15. What do you like to do together? Snowboard, Go on walks, Shop!, Hang out with friends and family, Play games.
16. Who eats more sweets? Depends on what it is but usually it is me...Adam doesn't even like Chocolate! I know he is weird!!!
17. Guilty Pleasures? Shopping, Looking at houses that we wish that we could buy.
18. How did you meet? When Adam had been home from his mission for three days he came over to my house with his friends to hang out with me and my roommates. He was still weird then!
19. Who asked whom out first? Adam asked me out first...I dont really remember most of it though. Oops!
20. Who kissed who first? Adam kissed me first while we where watching a movie.
21. Who proposed? Adam did... he was suppose to wait until we went to Canada but he couldn't wait so he did it before we left.
22. His best features and qualities? He has a lot....I love the dark hair with his euro trash haircut and his bright blue eyes. Also he has great style, I even trust him to shop for me. Also he is really funny and is liked by everyone. He is also really smart and works really hard at anything he is passionate about. And the best thing is what an amazing father and husband he is. Man, I could go on forever!!
I now tag.....Stephanie, Brittany, Stacey and Krystal