Well we had a wonderful Christmas in Idaho with our families this year. On Christmas Eve we had a get together with my extended family and it was so good to see everyone. Then that night we went to Adams parents house to have a nice dinner and open gifts. Andie was in heaven playing with all of her cousins that she never sees. Unfortunately this is the only picture I took the whole day and it is with my Iphone so its not the best quality. I have never seen Andie laugh as much as I did that night. She followed her cousins Lauren and Camryn around everywhere and they were so good to her.

Then that night we went back to Pocatello to spend the night at my parents house. We ended up letting Andie open a present before bed which ended up being a big mistake!

As you can see she was so mad that she couldnt just open all of them. She was climbing on top of them and trying to get to anything she could. She did not understand why she had to wait until morning.

On Christmas morning she was pretty excited though. Of course the first thing she did was run and get in her new chair. She is so obsessed with chairs that it just makes me laugh.

As a result she wanted everyone to bring her all of her presents so she could open them from her chair. She didnt want to leave it all day.

She also got her first doll house which she loves but I am already getting sick of finding pieces all over the house everyday. She loves the little people in it though and calls them Grandma, Mom, Dad, Andie and Baby. I guess she is starting to catch on that there will be a baby here soon.

We also got her a new baby that she carries everywhere. I am hoping this will also make the new baby adjustment a little easier. The only problem is that her new baby came with a bottle and she is always wanting me to put water in it so she can drink it. I took her bottles away six months ago with no problem and now I have to deal with a dolls bottle!

Also Grandma got her a purse that she LOVES! She thinks she is so big when she carries it around. It has a bunch of pretend makeup in it and she knows how to use it all.

The cell phone that came with her purse is her favorite part though. I just wish this would mean she doesnt want mine anymore but no such luck. Yes she is little but she knows how to open our Iphones and go through the applications to find the games she likes and plays them. She is to smart for her own good sometimes!

She also got a bunch of books since she loves books so much. Her favorite one lately is a big sister book we got her so she understands that she will be one very soon.

My dad got Adam and my brothers headlamps and Adam was so excited!

This is pretty much what our Christmas vacation consisted of. Adam and my brothers played all the new games on the Wii for hours and hours. It drove me crazy. I just dont see how you can play video games for that long.

My dad and brothers are really into the P90X right now. They never miss a day including Christmas. One of Adams New Years Resolutions is to start working out so he thought he would get a head start and work out with them.

I must say that it was pretty entertaining to watch them!

Well overall we had a great Christmas break! We were all very spoiled this year (Adam even got me a Kitchenaid that I have wanted forever). We also enjoyed spending time with our families and friends that we haven't seen in a long time.