This year for the reunion we went up to Palisades and stayed in a cabin with everyone for a few days. It was such a nice break from reality to just enjoy the outdoors and family for a bit. The first day Adam went with my dad and uncles for a mountain bike ride while the rest of us just relaxed and enjoyed the day. We went down to the lake since it was so close to the cabin. The water was freezing but it was so pretty and nice. Andie liked it until she touched the water and then she was DONE! My brothers kept trying to throw me in and eventually Jared was successful even though I was not happy about it.

Elsie was a good girl like always although I think she got a little overwhelmed with all the people and wanted mom or dad for most of the time.

The next day was so nice that we decided to go for a walk with everyone.

After a while Andie wanted her daddy so he was lucky enough to get both of the girls. I felt bad but he was fine with it and they were loving it.

That afternoon we had a golf tournament to see who could hit the ball the farthest. Adam won of course but we all enjoyed ourselves.

Even Andie had to get in on the action and give it a try.

After a while we had some crazy balls flying everywhere so we decided to watch from a safer distance.

We were also there for my Grandmas birthday. Andie and Elsie both love my Grandma and she spoils them rotten.

Elsie wouldn't go to everyone that trip but it sure made my Grandma happy that Elsie liked her so much.

Yes it was quite a crazy trip but we loved every minute of it.

We got to spend it with the whole family and as we get older its harder and harder to do so we all took advantage of it and had a lot of fun.