Andie begs to go build a snowman every time she sees it snowing. I don't really like the thought of taking both girls outside by myself so I just keep putting it off. Finally it snowed one morning before Adam had to go to work so they went outside to play. Andie was in absolute heaven the whole time. And this is the look I kept getting from this little one that was feeling left out!
We all went to Idaho to celebrate Elsie's birthday with our families. She was spoiled as always and loved all the attention that she got! I was feeling ambitious this year since I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I decided to make Elsie's birthday outfit. I bought the skirt and then decided to make her shirt and headband and even her shoes to all match. Since the decorations had owls on them I decided to make her shirt with an owl and then made her smash cake an owl too. She DESTROYED her cake and ate it until I finally made her quite before she got sick. All in all the party was a success and it was fun to spend time with friends and family.
Yes my sweet baby girl is a whole year old today. She has brought so much happiness to our family. She has quite the personality! She loves attention and anyone that will give it to her. She loves to scrunch up her face and give a big cheesy grin to anyone that will look at her. On the other hand she is the most sensitive child I have ever met. She hates it when anyone is sad or hurt and get her feelings hurt just by telling her "NO". She is also my busy one that never holds still so there is never a dull moment at our house. Her favorite thing to do lately is just laugh. She does it all day long for no reason. She has been the happiest baby since the day she was born and still is. She looks a little on the chunky side (she eats more than her sister) but is still quite small. (Doesn't have much of a choice in this family. She is just under 19 lbs (15th percentile) 27.75 in (10th percentile) but of course follow the rest of the family with a big head in the 57th percentile. Elsie started crawling before 6 months and hasn;t slowed down a bit. She started walking at 9 1/2 months so she could keep up with her sister and is now running everywhere. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL! WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!!!
We also took the girl for ice cream to celebrate a little yesterday and of course it was Elsie that couldn't get enough! Gotta love those chubby cheeks.
We are the Stevenson's, we are not diligent bloggers, and will most likely only post pictures and updates about Andie Mae and Elsie Lane. We do enjoy spending time with friends and family, the outdoors, watching movies, and discovering good music. We were married in June 2005. A few years later Andie Mae joined us in July 2008 and soon after Elsie Lane came along in February 2010. Adam just finished school December of 2010, so we're just starting another chapter in our lives.