Last night when I got home from work Brittany was outside walking around the apartment complex (most likely because she was hopping it would put her into labor.) with Titus so I went back outside and met up with her for one more lap. After the walk, when we got back to our building Titus thought we were going around again and he went on down the sidewalk, so I called him and he took his time coming back (as usual) the meantime a cat jumps out of the bushes and runs under a parked truck. Well, Titus sees the cat take off and he bolts for it, running over to the truck and then under it, at the same time he takes off a car comes whizzing down the lane. Once Titus gets under the truck the cat takes off across the parking lot, right in front of the car with Titus on its heels. Because of where we were standing we can't see anything and all I hear is the car slam on its breaks and then THUD THUD! I immediately freaked out and ran over to the scene of the accident to find the guy driving the car (which is a convertible, with its top down) just look at me and then drive off (A-Hole). So I come around the truck and see (luckily...kinda) the cat lying there and Titus just standing over it! I totally thought he was a gonner.
So I'm standing there with Titus and this dead cat in the middle of the road, and another guy comes over and says "that was close, that car almost got your dog too." Well, Brittany is still standing away from the whole thing because she's afraid to come over and find Titus laying there dead, and now I got to figure out what to do with this freakin dead cat. Apparently there was a guy outside with his son, who starts playing with Titus and Brittany finally sees him and then decides its okay to move and comes over and picks Titus up. The guy then says to me "hey I got a bag and some gloves if you want to pick it up?" Are you serious!? So why is this now my problem? I guess he's thinking its better that I do it then him. Yeah I bagged it and threw it in the trash...what else would I do? I kinda felt bad because the cat didn't have a collar so I have no way of notifying it's owner. I just hope I don't see a missing cat poster hanging around....Well long story short, Titus will be going on walks on a leash for now was too close of a call. (And I don't want to have to be the one to bag dead animals anymore!)
We Can Do Hard Things– (Angie Guymon)
6 years ago