So this last weekend was our long anticipated Dallas trip and let me tell you it was a blast! We spent 4 days from Friday to Monday doing any and everything, from threading eyebrows to 10 hour shopping marathons to fondue mayhem. Here is a photo recap of our adventures. Enjoy!
Our plane ride out to Dallas... I was excited.

Did Someone Blink?

Waiting to be seated at some D-lish Tex Mex restaurant.

Eatin some fajitas...

Chey giving the "I'm too full Signal"

And the more understood "I'm too full signal" (yeah that's what you think it is)

Let the Threading begin!...Chey pretty much cried.

And the results... (at the Galleria)

After the Shop-A-Thon we went to Salt is Chey and I trying to outdo each others lime amount.

Group Photo! Look at Chey, she caught him mid-burp in the photo! Haha.

Game Day!

Um, thank you Lisa for giving my wife a cowboys jersey, even further singling me out!

A few game time shots.
Terrell Owens, Jerry Jones and Ocho Cinco photo opp!

Chad and Terrell, probably talking smack (or about to kiss)

Chad and T.J.

We had so much fun at the game...and we got to share it with our best friends!


After the game we went and ate at Simply Fondue and it was incredible, and things got a little out of hand...

No, he's not going to kill you...he just spit ice at Britt...that's all.

So I dropped the lens cap to Lisa's camera under the table and I was helpless so they decided to smear chocolate on my face.

As you can see we had a lot of fun this past weekend in Dallas, it was nice to get away and relax (well not really relax). Spending time with each other and the Thatchers was great I just wish we didn't have to come home and get back to work and school. Thanks Chey and Lisa for making this weekend the funnest we've had...EVER! You guys rock! BFFFL!