So this last weekend we went home to Idaho to visit friends and family. It was nice to go home and relax and spend time together since Adam isnt around much. He is still working full time and is going to school full time and especially since finals are coming up he hasnt been around much so it was a much needed break. The weekend started with my dad taking Adam and his friends on a mountain bike ride.

Then we went over to our friends house to hang out for a while since it has been so long. This is Andie's little boyfriend Taiton. It was time for them to go to bed for the night so we thought we would see what they would do if we put them together. They are so cute!(Also Happy Birthday in a few days Taiton. I cant believe your already 1!)

And to my friends Charish, Holly and Stephanie, I really miss you guys! It is always good to get together when I come to town. I just wish that we werent so far away. I am glad we keep in touch though and have stayed such good friends. I love you guys!!!

It was a great trip but it was nice to come home. As you can see we were a little worn out from a busy weekend but it was really nice to come home.