There is a big pumpkin patch right next to our house so we decided to go get Andie a pumpkin since she seems to be obsessed with them lately. She cant say pumpkin though so she refers to them as apples. No matter how many times we correct her she will still call them "apples"! The whole time we were there she kept running around pointing and yelling "apple, apple". Well we found a few good ones to take home and carve. She even picked out a few small ones for herself just to carry around the house.

They even had tractors there for the kids to sit on. Andie thought she was so big trying to drive. Even Titus wanted to try it out.

Here is a picture of me and Andie waiting patiently for Adam to clean out the pumpkins.

He was really focused on his carving.

Andie showing off her pumpkin that Adam was helping her with.

I was the one that talked Adam into carving pumpkins. Little did he know he would end up doing almost all of it. He did a great job though. Here is the final result!!!