Monday, February 23, 2009


Well it has been a long couple of weeks at our house. Andie has caught just about everything lately! She threw up for a few days and now has a really bad cold and a horrible cough. Then on top of that she has a double ear infection and is teething. Lets just say she hasn't been herself lately. I cant really complain to much though. She is still eating and sleeping through the night, she just wants to be held a lot. Needless to say we have just been spending a lot of time at home. Here are a few pictures of Andie and Titus, she loves playing with him!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bestest Friends!

So I have some of the best friends in the world. Unfortunately they are all still in Idaho but I use any excuse I can to go home to visit them. Luckily I have been able to see them a lot more lately. Holly had her baby shower a little while ago and it was so much fun. We were all so excited for her to have baby Tessa.
Also Charish and Stephanie came down for a girls weekend and it was amazing! I was definitely overdue for girls time. We shopped for two days straight, ate a lot and went to the movie Bride Wars. It was really nice to have them come down here for a change.
Well Holly had her baby girl a few weeks ago and I was able to go and see her. She is so little and cute, I just love her. I didn't realize how big Andie was until we put them together and it really made me sad to see how big she is getting. She really isn't a baby anymore. I cant believe she is already over 7 months old. (Don't look to close at Andie's outfit. She decided to throw up all over her clothes while we were there.)
Well girls thanks for all you do and I cant wait to see you again next week.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Forgotten Post

So I was looking through my pictures the other day and realized that I never even posted about Christmas. We had a very crazy few days and forgot to take a lot of pictures but we had a great time. I was able to talk to my brother that is on his mission which was exciting, I miss him so much! We spent time with both of our families and were very spoiled. Andie may be to young to understand the whole Christmas thing but she sure loved all of her new toys.

Adam really spoiled me this year with lots of things and really surprised me. I got a new coat, boots, shoes, clothes, and my favorite gift...this Tiffanys bracelet!

Adam got this tent from my parents and it was by far his favorite gift. He was so excited that he had to set it up just to look at it. He cant wait until summer so he can try it out.

This is what Adam and my brothers did almost all night on Christmas. It was a great year!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

6 Months!

I cant believe that Andie is already over six months old. She is such a good baby, I just love her so much! She sleeps at least twelve hours a night without waking up which is nice since I need my sleep also. She loves that she can sit up by herself and look around at everyone and everything. She loves any food I give her and she is always happy. Who could ask for more! At her six month appointment she was 25 inches and her weight was 14 lbs. that puts her in the 25 percentile which is better than her four month appointment so I am glad to see she is moving up. Well here are a few recent pics. They arent the best quality since some of them were taken with my phone but I love them anyways.