So I was looking through my pictures the other day and realized that I never even posted about Christmas. We had a very crazy few days and forgot to take a lot of pictures but we had a great time. I was able to talk to my brother that is on his mission which was exciting, I miss him so much! We spent time with both of our families and were very spoiled. Andie may be to young to understand the whole Christmas thing but she sure loved all of her new toys.

Adam really spoiled me this year with lots of things and really surprised me. I got a new coat, boots, shoes, clothes, and my favorite gift...this Tiffanys bracelet!

Adam got this tent from my parents and it was by far his favorite gift. He was so excited that he had to set it up just to look at it. He cant wait until summer so he can try it out.

This is what Adam and my brothers did almost all night on Christmas. It was a great year!