After many emotions from shock and being nervous to excited and thrilled we are happy to announce that WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!! I know that some of you may have already known and sorry to those that we havent talked to yet. I have tried to keep it on the DL but Adam just cant keep it to himself. I am due the end of January which puts me at about 14 weeks right now. So far things are going well. I am still sick all the time but not near as bad as I was with Andie which is a good thing. Also I havent gained any weight so hopefully I wont get as big this time around but we will just have to wait and see. We will keep you updated on how things are going. We dont find out what we are having until the beginning of September. Adam is really hoping for a BOY and I dont really care all though a GIRL would be more convenient since I already have lot of girl stuff. Also I would love advice from all you moms that have kids so close together. They will only be 18 months apart which stresses me out a bit.