I cant believe how big Andie is getting. She is already over 20 months old! She has quite the personality and most of the time I love it but boy does she have an attitude sometimes! I am afraid that she is already starting to hit the terrible twos! She is one smart girl though. She loves to count and say her ABC's and sing all sorts of songs. Every time she gets into trouble and I count to three she just keeps counting for me until she gets to ten and then I just laugh at her because she is so stinkin cute. She also is smart enough to know how to win her dad over with almost anything she wants. I must say it is pretty freakin cute though. I am still trying to adjust to two kids and give Andie the attention that she deserves. She is such a good sister though! She is always concerned about Elsie and making sure she is okay. She is so cute when she talks to her and tries to make her happy. She is always telling me to be quite because Baby Elsie is sleeping. I really couldn't ask for ask for better kids. I just love them so much.
We are the Stevenson's, we are not diligent bloggers, and will most likely only post pictures and updates about Andie Mae and Elsie Lane. We do enjoy spending time with friends and family, the outdoors, watching movies, and discovering good music. We were married in June 2005. A few years later Andie Mae joined us in July 2008 and soon after Elsie Lane came along in February 2010. Adam just finished school December of 2010, so we're just starting another chapter in our lives.
Your kids are so dang cute! Just wait until Andie starts counting to you when you don't do what she wants. ;)
She looks just like you in that top pic. I still can't believe she is that old. AND that you have another one. Crazy. Life goes by too fast.
They are both so cute! I can't believe how big Andie is getting! She's so cute how she poses for you!
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