So I am a little late posting but on the 14th Andie Mae turned 2. I cant believe I have a two year old. She is such a good girl though and I couldn't ask for more. When I look at pictures I cant believe how fast time goes. I just want her to stay my little girl forever. Everyday is a new adventure and very entertaining with her around and she is the best big sister.
Just a few days old

3 Months Old

6 Months Old

9 Months Old

1 Year Old

18 Months Old

2 Years Old

We had a birthday party at the park for Andie while we were in Idaho. It was really windy that day but she still enjoyed it. She was spoiled like always and loved every minute of it. She enjoyed opening all of her presents as much as she liked what was in them. She wanted a pink Cinderella cake but since Cinderella is blue I decided to make a pink barbie cake. It was so hot that day that the frosting melted but she still loved it and thought it was perfect. Grandpa even helped her cut it and she thought she was such a big girl.

Andie loves all of her cousins and talks about the all the time. Lauren is the oldest and she idolizes her.

Here are a few things that Andie has been loving lately. She has to wear her sunglasses all the time and loves to go to the pool. She gets so excited to go swimming.

Also we moved her from a toddler bed into a twin bed and she thinks she is big stuff now. Also Grandma Dori bought her some princess decals to put on her wall since she is so obsessed with princesses lately.

Andie also loves to get all dressed up. She always asks me to put curlers in her hair, paint her nails and she always has to have earrings a necklace and a bow in her hair. She is such a girl and I think I am in for some trouble in a few more years but I enjoy it all for now.

Andie is still quite the talker. She counts to 14 and is constantly singing her ABC's and all the songs she learns in nursery, which she loves.
Here are a few of the things Andie says that make us laugh.
When she is going to bed: "Mommy, Daddy lay by you" and "Hold you Mommy"
Whenever her hands are dirty. "Yuck mommy, Gross" She hates being dirty!
Whenever she farts "Andie tootie"
When I make her take a nap and she doesn't want to "mommy shut the door, I so sad mommy, so sad"
Elsie was crying so Andie walks over gives her a hug and says; "no crying okay, its fine"
She was being naughty the other day so I made her sit in the corner and a minute later she came out and said "Andies okay mom, all done"
Also she always refers to herself in the third person....ALWAYS!
Whenever I put her Cinderella panties on she says, "I don't pee in Finderella, she will cry" Yes for some reason she thinks Cinderella starts with an F.
Whenever she get in trouble she always says "no mom, no 1,2,3,4,5 spank my butt"