We went to Canada to Adam's cousin's farewell and to see some family. While we were there we decided to take the girls to the zoo. It was amazing, it was so much better than the Hogle Zoo in Utah. It was huge and they had some amazing animals. We always love going to Canada and this trip was no different.
I don't know if you can tell from all of my posts lately but I love fall and all the things that there are to do. I took the girls to Cornbelly's with some friends and Andie had a blast. She loved playing on the jumping pillows. Then we headed over to the slides. Here is Andie climbing back up with some of her friends. * If you haven't noticed yet we went through a couple outfits that day! Oh the joys of just being potty trained. She does just fine until she has fun playing and sometimes forgets and of course its always at the most inconvenient times! I finally took Andie home to change her and came back a few hours later with Adam to enjoy the rest of the fun. Of course Andies favorite part was Pumpkin Princess Playland. She loved dressing up and playing. She is really into the Princess stage right now. We finally moved on to some other things but werent to happy about it at first. I love my girls so much. We have so much fun together everyday. We even went though a couple corn mazes. Andie was scared of the snake maze until she saw Elsie go in it and she didn't want to look like a chicken so she decided to follow her sister. Then we went on a hayride to check out all the decorations and festivities. Both of the girls loved this part, especially Elsie. She wanted to go again and wasn't happy when we got off.
Andie's hair is really starting to get long but is still really thin. I am sick of just trimming it all of the time so I finally decided to take her somewhere to have it cut so it doesn't look so stringy. She was actually really excited to have it done. As you can see she really needed it. I took her to Cookie Cutters and she loved it. Of course she chose to sit in the pink car and she even got to watch Backyardigans which is one of her favorite shows right now. The girl that did it was awesome and I think her hair looks much better now, even though I was sad to watch her cut a good 2-3 inches off. As cute as can be! I just love this little girl to pieces. She is such a good girl. She is all girl for sure. We cant leave the house without our necklace, bracelet and earrings, and her hair done. She always tells us she is pretty like a princess and I definitely agree with her!
Since the weather has still been nice here a few of my friends and I decided to go take the kids out for some fun. We went to Gardner Village and I was surprised how much stuff they had out for Halloween. We walked around and did some shopping and took some pictures of the kids.Here are the kids minus baby Charlotte. Andie loves to play with her friend Aliza. They are the same age and have so much fun together. They were trying to make funny and scary faces for me. And while we were there Andie had to ride the ponies. She gets so excited about the little ponies all by herself!
This last weekend Grandma and Grandpa Stevenson came down to visit us for a few days. Andie always gets excited when they come to visit. We decided since it was a nice day we would take the girls to get some pumpkins. I just love my girls so much. I don't know what I would ever do without them. They always put a smile on my face. Andie even led the way and made it all the way through the corn maze. It was such a fun weekend, I just love everything about fall time.
We are the Stevenson's, we are not diligent bloggers, and will most likely only post pictures and updates about Andie Mae and Elsie Lane. We do enjoy spending time with friends and family, the outdoors, watching movies, and discovering good music. We were married in June 2005. A few years later Andie Mae joined us in July 2008 and soon after Elsie Lane came along in February 2010. Adam just finished school December of 2010, so we're just starting another chapter in our lives.